Wednesday, November 30, 2005
okay im tearing. and it just doesnt want to stop. wont these freaking eyes just STOP IT. the more i try to stop, the more it flows. LIKE WTH. can my eyes just FREAKING STOP IT. its irritating. it stops, and it starts. UGH.
okay lets just say that im emotionally unstable. yes, thankyouverymuch.
p.s. it's better if u dun talk to me now. cos i might just blow at you. and say sorry for doing so. OKAY CRAP. CAN I JUST SHUT MY SHITTIFYING MOUTH.
5:27 PM
bailaoshi picked on me today -.- i will NEVER EVER stand at the corner of the barre anymore. NEVER EVER. my hand slipped okay -.- i told him that i was slipping already! and he still pull so hard. but he's really strong. like crazy.
... he made my legs jelly?!?! i cant even run 100m now okay. for all you know, i might just collapse halfway. but he's good =) and he mimicks people. and its damn exaggerated okay. but its really funny when he does so but i still feel like slapping his face when he does so. cos its so...retarded.
say it. im nuts. i'm gonna watch hp next week for the THIRD time. =D hopefully its still showing =) and i feel like SHOPPPPPPPPPINGGGGG omg i wanna shoppppppp!!!! i really have the urge to! OH MAN =)
i saw this quite-nice halter at billabong yesterday x)) i dunno if its gonna be that nice when i see it again but i wanna go and check it out! =D wheee!
okay i currently dun feel like blogging. blog later, if i feel like =/ kinda upset...=(
i dunno why the shit you only told us at 4 when it happened in the morning. have you ever considered the consequences? that we'll probably never get to see him again? why the freaking hell are you always so biased? can you just stop all this freaking i-dun-like-you attitude cos it getting on my nerves. it just because that ur my elder that i dun start screaming at you okay. besides you shld know ur limits. fk. can you stop thinking about urself only? cos its not always just about you. think about the people around you too. this matter is serious enough to start joking. i hope my nightmare doesnt come true, i really hope it doesnt.
12:27 PM
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
i learnt a couple of new words yesterday night cos i was reading the dictionary looking for NEW words to improve my vocab. HAHAHA. okay i know it sounds retarded but YES, i do it! =) it works okay! especially those really really special words like apeshit and bosh. oh yes. im starting to love bosh already! WOOTS. x)
oh and i learnt that cheesed off means that im annoyed too! WHAHA and another one but i forgot what it is already. shucks =/
oh anyway, i went to watch harry potter today AGAIN! whee the cinema was freakingly FREEZING COLD okay! we were like freezing all the way through the movie but i loved it all the same x) xx's friend was going crazy over cedric. haha. lotsa people are anyway. =/ im more crazy over DANIEL woots!
oh bosh! i feel like watching harry potter AGAIN! =/ i think im nuts. officially. if i go and watch it again, it's gonna be my THIRD time okay?!?! HAHAHA heck.
OMG KERRI'S MOVING?!?! kerri! AHHHH! dun move! =(( im gonna miss you! boohoo! ask ur father's boss to post him BACK to s'pore lah! sighh =(( can u dun go? =((( pleaseeee???? we're all gonna miss you LOADS! ohwell. i guess some things cant be helped, im just glad that you'll still be coming back to visit us. i dun care. when you do come back, im gonna go out with you! I DUN CARE XD
chatting with chit and kerri at the same time is fun. HAHAHA. heh. now chit and i know what we look like! WHEE and i dun need to be afraid that i'd be saying hi to the wrong person! HEH HEH HEH!
mos burger's strawberry thingy and milk tea is NICE! the milk tea isnt BITTER =) ITS SWEET! go try! =)) nicenicenice. hahaha. at first xx was drinking it then i went to try and it wasnt bitter! so me and my bro went to buy x)
anyway, those people who have access to this blog, BE HONOURED K! x) cos not everyone knows this blog. HEH HEH HEH!
oh and im nocturnal, its official. i stayed up until 5 yesterday. i know im nuts =) i said already. HAHA okie. post tml!
i wonder when you'll ever grow up, when you'll ever start to pluck up the courage to face things the way they are. why are you always hiding at the slightest thing? when will you start to learn how to trust, how to love with your very own heart, how to show concern for friends when they're down, how to lend a listening ear, how to think about other's feelings before you do anything.
4:15 PM
Monday, November 28, 2005
heh! hello everyone. =) i hope this satisfies those who complained about me deleting my other blog =D
err. my cbox is currently still screwed cos i was too lazy to change the colour last night =) and the freaking pass html code is irritating me like crap. i cant seem to fix it. =/ heck. i shall ask someone who is pro-er in html to help me fix it =)
i had 148 posts in the other blog =) quite alot for about what, lets say...six months? hopefully i dun regret deleting it =) im gonna keep the html code for that blog, in case i ever wanna "revive" it again. okay what the crap am i talking about =/
bianca's leaving TODAY for london! =( im sure gonna miss her! =((( she's only coming back on the 8th and she's missing bailaoshi's lesson AGAIN! i missed two already. cos i was sick =( hahha. i cant believe we're only getting three more lessons from him. time does fly, no? i want more lessons from him! although he's torturous, but he's really good! and its a bad thing that we slack when he isnt looking ><
my body aches are going down too! im so happy! they were aching like crap on saturday! =( my stomach, thigh, arm, back and even butt muscles were DYING yesterday. but i managed to pull through ballet. =/ din dance really well though. haha ohwell. =) i din want to skip cos i skipped for 2 times already =((
heh okay i shall blog tomorrow then. TOODLES!
6:48 PM